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Frequently asked questions

What seed should I feed wild birds?

Rich in oils and with thin skins, black sunflower seeds are immensely popular with a wide range of bird species. Better still, use a good quality seed blend to attract the widest range of species. You’ll get great results all year round with Jacobi Jayne’s Special Mix™ available in eight high-energy, free-flowing blends.

How long before birds come to a new feeder?

It could take several weeks for birds to feel comfortable around a new feeder. Birds have to find the feeder by sight and then make sure it is safe. They are constantly aware of the threat of predators and will take the time to check out the surroundings. Placing the new feeder near bushes or trees will give the birds natural hiding places. To keep food clean and fresh, only fill about half full, until the activity on your feeder increases.

What happens if I stop feeding the birds? Mother Nature has always provided for the birds. Bird seed from feeders is a bonus for wild birds and provides only a part of their nutritional needs. If you stop feeding the birds, they will continue roving to feed from natural sources just as they did before you began feeding them.

When should I feed birds?

It’s important to offer food to birds all year round - not just in the winter when natural foods are in short supply and foraging is limited by the short days. Birds also need our help during spring and early summer when they’re raising a new family. With few natural seeds available, there’s the additional risk of late frosts and long periods of rain wiping out early insect and caterpillar populations.

Do metal perches cause harm?

There is some concern that birds’ feet will stick to metal perches in freezing weather. This cannot and does not happen. Birds do not have sweat glands in their feet and never stick to metal objects such as wire fences or radio and television antennas.

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